Monday, December 10, 2007

Super Computer Brain

GW compiles information on all of us. He may even have a super-computer for a brain. After he compiles the data from his daily questioneers, he enters the data in his super-computer brain. This logarithm is reentered into his medulla at 3d-space, virtual-reality real time. BTW, your life is being recorded by George as you read this.

What does George do with this gathered information? Here are some options:
  • He has an illegal credit card fraud operation that he does out of his office. The data is used to create profiles for each of us so that he can clone our identities and get rich.
  • He lives vicariously through our lives. When we feel pain, he feels it too.
  • He wants to conduct a homosexual relationship and is putting his feelers out for he can "get funky with".

Friday, November 30, 2007


6:44am George rolls in with keys in his hand at chest level. He comments to me and says "its a new one". I hesitate and reply...."ya".

Thursday, November 29, 2007


6:45am George waved his keys at me as he walked by for the first time this morning. He held a sack of groceries in the other hand. He seemed hurried.

6:54 I hear George from afar away saying, "If you get here early you gotta make coffee".

7:00am George heads south. His shoes are rather squeaky this morning. At 7:04 George returns with his shoes squeaking and his trouser making a friction noise as they rub together.

7:26am George heads down the hallway with a cup in his hand and he takes a detour at the water cooler. 7:42 George returns. XXXX XXXXX speaks to George and says, "it is going to be a great day". George responds and says, "its always a great day".

7:56am George returns from an escapade.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


6:42am George enters from the south. He sorts through his keys as he says "good morning" with a subdued voice. There was a vocal clearing of the throat immediately after "good morning" bellowed from his throat. To me, this indicates that he may have had a uneaten portion of his breakfast sandwich still lodged in his trachea.

6:55am George heads down the hallway. He aggressively preys upon his apple as he heads north. He is a acting like a vulture that hasn't eaten in days. He has his safety glasses over his eyes but no coat on his upper tarsal. Is he trying to protect his eyes from chunks of apple flying from his mouth? 6:59 I hear his voice "he comments to someone at the end of the hall and says, "pretty healthy food you got there, that yogurt".

7:09am George headed south again with keys jingling by his side in one hand, but no safety glasses. At 7:11 George returned with his keys jingling in both hands. He was carrying them forward of his pelvic area. He said" good morning" to XXX XXXX and they countered with the same reply. Then George randomly stated " It is not snowing, that is a good thing".

8:04am George scuttles onward to a southward destination. At 8:10 George returns with papers.

8:11am George heads back out on another southern journey. His papers are gone now. I did not see him venture back.

8:17am George heads down the hallway with papers at chest level for another round. He is getting his exercise this morning. At the bottom of the hour George returns. He jiggles his eye brows at me as he passes by. There is clearly an extra bounce in his step today.

8:35am George heads out for another dose of the southern end of the building. There is definitely something down there that is peaking his interest today. At 8:48 George returns and scratches the back of his head while he walks towards his office.

8:51am George heads down the hallway. I hear him say to someone, "pretty soon your leg is going to get as strong as the other one". He continues on jingling his keys down the hallway. 9:07 George returns with his keys still in jingle mode.

9:19am George is off to the south. At 9:32 George returned.

9:58 am Go! George! Go!...................! He is on pace to set a distance record today! George returns at 10:01 with a shocked and dismayed look upon his face.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


George sightings continue however due to unforeseen challenges, I have neglected to report on the mystery man. We will continue reporting on George as his adventurous life unravels before our very eyes.

Sometime after 12:30pm From a Undisclosed informant: George was reportedly checking on the temperature of various locations in the building. George is very concerned about a good working climate for everyone.

1:32pm George ventured out on his marry way. 1:56 George returned to his office with a red bic pen firmly gripped between his front chompers.

2:01pm George walks his way down to his popular southern target. He places his left hand on his butt as if he is feeling the fabric on the outside of his rear pocket for something.

3:13pm George drifts on a southern retreat. As he walks he discovers some change burrowed within the depths of his pocket. He brings up the change and counts it as he walks down the hallway. 3:40 George partnered down the hall in a conversation with XXXX XXXXX as he returned. Both of George's hands were fully immersed in pocket pleasure.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


6:50am George enters and the hall lights begin to shine with his ever glowing presence. He fiddles with his keys as he glides down the hallway.

7:01am George slides down the hallway with his white cup in hand. Please note: that when we refer to a "white cup" we are referring to a disposable cup. This cup is not a cup that you would find at the coffee stations throughout the building. It is definitely a cup that George brings from home. At 7:04 George returns with his white cup in his hand.

7:08am George heads out for his next expedition with his white cup in hand. He turns back to me and says "It's about time".

7:24am Ditto.... south. George was yanking on his belt loop as he passed. 8:47 George returns with papers in hand.

10:05am George must have used the trap door again because he is returning without ever leaving. He has an amused look on his face. His tongue is lifted and attached to his upper lip. He is in a good mood.

11:46am George returns. Once again I did not see him leave. He has been using the secret trap door in his office very frequently.

12:13pm An anonymous colleague has reported George working at the reception desk. I can only imagine George using his talents at the desk.

1:31pm George headed down the hallway. He was wearing his company parka. 2/3 of the way down the hallway he reached down to the floor to pick up an errant piece of paper that was resting on the tile. His bending motion contained a strong bend at the knees and it was followed with a slight arch of the back. It was as if he was a female not wanting to expose the buttock to a bunch of horny men. (see picture)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


6:41am George reported to work with a plastic bag full of groceries down by his side.

7:10am George heads out on his path.

7:54am George speaks to xxxxx xxxx about the loss of a refrigerator. He continues down the hall. On his return George stopped at the water cooler with a cup in his hand and he gazed east down the hallway. He hesitated for a brief moment and decided not to pursue a trip down that path. He returned to Ft George.

8:56am George trounces down the hallway. He produces a hissing noise as his sleeves rub the body of his coat. At 9:17 George returns. George has his safety glasses over his eyes. From that, I conclude that he may have been visiting the plant.

Monday, November 19, 2007


6:37 am George scurried north to his office. He was carrying a bag in his left had. Although I didn't get a good look, it looked like a bag of groceries. He was sorting through his keys. It looked like he had just came from the grocery store and wanted to get in the door as soon as possible because the groceries were either heavy or the grocery bag was about to break.

6:42 am George headed south. His thoughts were directed at the floor as he walked. Simultaneously, he was engulfing his banana as he looked downwards. After he walked by, he turned on the hall light that is located at the intersection. 6:47 George returned with his eyes still directed at the floor. It is very apparent that George is engaged in some deep thinking.

7:05am George scuttles southward. His head is much higher and he is carrying a cup of something. He directs a conversation at XXX XXXXX who keeps a continuous 7 paces in front of George while the one-sided conversation continues. George returns at 7:08 with his cup still in hand. An undisclosed informant has communicated to me that he was in the south end of the building. He was inquiring about holiday plans and he had his white cup in his hand.

7:44am George walked by heading south. He returned at 7:48 with a rolled up paper(s) in his hand.

8:16am George heads south with papers in hand. There is a hurried pace to his walk. He returned at 8:19 with papers intact.

8:32am George heads south. He carries his papers in the center of his chest area and clasps the papers with both hands. In my opinion, they must be important papers and he is not going to allow them to get away. My undisclosed informant has engaged in a conversation with George. George inquires about a letter opener and how he may obtain one from the informant. At 8:38, he returns and looks at his watch as he walks back to his office. He does not have his papers any longer.

8:47am George returns to office. I did not see him leave and I am starting to think that there is a secret passage that he only knows about. I often wonder if there is a trap door in his office floor.

9:55am George meanders through the hallways as he walks a former employee around. George does introductions for the former employee, although we all know who this person is. This former employee was replaced by a unlikeable employee so this former employees is very popular. George feels popular when he is associated with this former employee. George is happy. George returns at 10:06 without the popular former employee. He fidgets with his nose as he walks by.

10:08am George walks back to the south end of the building. He has both hands in his trousers. He looks back at me. I acknowledge him. He gives me a half smile, but it seemed as though it was pressed. He is unhappy. What happened? 10:11 George returns back to his quarters. His hands are fully removed from his trousers.

10:19am As I was facilitating myself I walked by George's quarters. George was pacing within the area of his office. His hands were engaged within his pockets. He was nervous.

10:30am George heads down his southern path again. He was clasping his hands on his sides as a female does as if they were to lift their skirt with their hands over a mud puddle. I think I saw Marylin Monroe do this in a movie once. 10:33 George returns walking sideways with a half smile on his face as the popular employees follows about 4 paces behind. It is as if he is politely forcing the popular employee to the exit.

11:23am George heads south. He was chuckling out loud. I heard him speak to someone behind him. He said, "I know how that goes". George returns at 11:28.

1:10pm George "the nomad" traveled southwards. George retreated at 1:14 pm.

2:16pm George heads south. At 2:30 George returns with his head leaning slightly to the left as if he has a pinched nerve n his neck.

3:27pm George scurried back to his office. When he returned, he rolled up paper near the copy machine according to reliable sources. He left his office through the trap door once again!

3:56pm George returns north with paper in his hand. Once again I never saw him leave!

Friday, November 16, 2007


6:37 am George arrived to work from the south and headed north to his office. Prior to walking through my area, the hallway light came on. He was not wearing a coat. As he passed , I said, "good morning George". With confidence he raised his index finger on his right hand and pointed to me. It was followed by a subtle head nod. I believe it was his way of acknowledging me.

6:49 am George headed north down the hallway with xxxx xxxxxxxx. They were conversing. George appeared to be taking an interest and acting attentive to what xxxx xxxxxxxx was saying. I would say that he was adding to the conversation. 7:03 George returns to his office. He is wearing his walking shoes today so his feet are creating a little stirring noise.

7:59 am George heads south. His return time is unknown. Did he return? Did he re-enter through another passage? Maybe a secret passage?

9:20 am George headed south. He returned back at 9:25. He stopped and conversed. As we conversed, he opened a fresh can of Sprite. I am not well-versed in Sprite products, but I believe it was a Diet Sprite. I am hypothesizing that his expedition was to the break room.

10:05 am George headed south and returned at 10:09. His footsteps have become much quieter. He was holding a folded piece of paper in his left hand. George is very active today.

10:33 am George is off on a southern journey once again. At the intersection, he headed east by south. Although I can't confirm this, I believe it would be safe to say this is where he mostly travels to. George returns to his northern destination at 10:37. He is greeted in the hallway by xxxx xxxx. He returns the greeting by saying "Good Morning".

10:50 am From a distance, I hear George talking about going for a walk as soon as there is a break in the weather. If I am right, this is a big crack in George's legendary armor. I believe this evidence dictates that George does not take his daily walk at the authorized time. An investigation must ensue.

12:36 pm George returned north to his office with his coat on and his keys hand. He was lifting the keys in the same fashion as someone who would be unlocking a door. Ironically, there was no door nearby that George needed to unlock. He appeared to be frustrated.

12:46pm George repeats his journey to the south. 12:52 George returns.

2:20pm George headed south. As he returned north to his command center at 2:21, he said "getting there" while he strolled passed the storage room. I believe he was referring to the progress that has taken place in the storage room.

2:37pm George headed south. At 2:51 he returned back to his office. I definitely see a pattern.

3:16pm George headed south. His hand was yanking the aft portion of his trousers in a downward motion as he was walking. It appeared to me that he was trying to relocate a few square inches of his boxers. George returned at 3:18

4:13pm George heads south for (what may be) his final journey for the day. He brushes his hand with his nose with as he walks by. At 4:21 George returns. He lets out one single sniffle as he heads back to his office. This is an early indication that George may be acquiring a cold. If you read yesterdays 2:29 post about the walk in the rain this will makes sense.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


6:29 am George heads south with a banana in his hand. He eats it as he walks. At 6:32 George has arrived back at the hallway the project managers work in. He walks down the hallway and looks for someone but does not find them. He leaves. The banana is all gone.

6:48 am George heads south again. He is playing xyz with his zipper. 6:54 George returns to his office.

9:34 George heads south. 9:36 George returns to his office.

9:56 George returns heading north to his office with his coat on. The irony is that he never left south from his office. This would indicate that he left through either exit "A" outside or through exit "B" outside and later returned on the south end of the building.

2:19 George went to mailroom with nothing in his hands. Return time is unknown.

2:29 George headed south down the hallway. He was wearing his company jacket and had an umbrella placed in his hand. He was wearing safety glasses. He stopped and talked to xxxx xxxxxxxx briefly. By all appearances, I believe he was headed out towards the manufacturing facility.

3:13 George's voice is heard in the hallway. I hear him say, "I will do anything for you". George walked by. He came from outside where there was a monsoon ensuing. He was wet and cleaning water out of his ears as he passed heading back towards his office.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


10:46 am George had gloves in his hand and he was putting them in his coat pocket. The early indication is that he was coming back from a walk of some sorts. He was wearing his company coat also. In my opinion gloves mean that you are going for a sizable walk not a short stroll. He was walking from the south to the north where his office resides.

3:34 George starts his walk about. He is heading south away from his office. He has no paper work. He walks down to xxxx xxxxx's desk and asks about some one's birthday lunch at Red Robin. From there, I see him he walks away into another hallway conversation. He returned with a handful of papers and a quizzical look on his face. His walk ends at 3:49